Friday, January 15, 2016

2016...The year I take control

The past 3 years I have had continued issues with my Leukemia.  I think I have pushed it to the back of my mind and just done the day to day tasks, that get me to the next day.  2013 brought me 3 surgeries, radiation and changes.  My body was undergoing major changes as it adjusted to having no thyroid and going through a full forced menopause.  2014 and 2015 had its challenges.  My cells changed, I failed treatment, I was diagnosed with further issues.

Fast forward to today, January 15, 2016.  I am on the newest of FDA approved TKI Chemotherapy for CML.  8 months in, my blood tests look great!  Despite the daily side effects, I keep plugging away.

The past year, between pain and the worst fatigue, I have become a pretty sedentary person when the temperature changes.  I go out only when I have to.  I avoid getting chilled.  Its life altering when I do.   I go into a cocoon of sorts, full-on hibernation mode.  I spend days and weeks in bed dealing with the myriad of side effects.  As a result, I have become complaisant. Then, a huge Epiphany shook me to my core.   I realized I have power.  I have control.  Ive always said I can effect how I let the cancer effect me mentally.  I can choose to let it knock me down emotionally or I can accept that "yep, I'm dealing with this."  I find a new normal and go on with my life.

In the process of my "new normal," Ive lost something along the way.  Ive forgotten that I have power.  My weight has skyrocketed to my heaviest yet.  40 pounds heavier than 9 months pregnant with my biggest baby.  Albeit, medications, hormone changes and health has contributed.  Then, like a meteor landing in my back yard, it hit me.  I AM IN CONTROL.  I have power.  I have choices.  Yes, I cannot make my cancer go away.  I cannot stop taking my daily chemo-pill.  I cannot stop the pain, headaches, nausea, and debilitating fatigue.  But I can do two very important things.  I can change what I put into my body and I can fix my sedentary habits.  I have had this tape playing in my head for over 20 years telling myself that I will never be skinny.  That I will forever be overweight.  Last week I snapped at my sister as she tried to correct something in my eating she saw.  I was not happy that this trim and healthy person would tell me what to do when I was making a huge change to eat better and she told me to cut out the white rice.  I later examined why it bothered me.  I expected a pat on the back and encouraging words.  Instead I got a suggestion that bothered me.

I had to take a deep and long look inside.  I have had extensive learning and knowledge about healthy eating from college classes to self study.  I have had a top notch Naturalpathic Doctor and Nutritionist as healthcare providers.   I have read and studied.  I actually know more than the average person.  So why haven't I put this knowledge to good use?

I know I am at risk for diabetes and heart disease.  What happens when that ends my life prematurely, robbing me of years with my family and the hopes of becoming a grandmother.  So, I can continue on this road telling myself that I will never be skinny.  I can continue eating what I want.  I skip meals almsot every day.  I find excuses to not cook, or actually have valid excuses why.  Some days it takes all my strength to get out of bed.  I do what I have to, then go back to bed.  I have cancer, so why not rest and take care of myself.  Well, this is false.  I am not taking care of myself when I do not eat.  Even worse, when I do, I eat the wrong foods.  I eat foods loaded with fat, sugars, and carbs.  I choose convenient foods.

Knowing only 8% of new years resolutions are successful, I took a long hard look inside.  I have determined that something has to change.  I have control and power!

The new mantra inside my head is that I am on the road to a healthy body.  I will put nutrients that are healing and healthy into my body.  I will push the reset button on my life.

My journey continues!