Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Glow in the Dark Super-Hero

A few weeks ago I had just finished my blog, went to lay down and rest.  When I came back to edit, minecraft was on the computer and my blog was lost in cyber-space.

Last post was in October.  Sad, but due to health, life, and a new emerging battle, time gets away with me.

Thank you for touching so many lives Mikey!!!
Before I continue with my story, my theme and purpose for blogging has been to share my struggles, triumphs, hopes and to share stories of those who touch, inspire, and strengthen me.  I want to share a story of a sweet, vivacious, and amazing young man.  I only had the privilege of meeting him one time.  Thats all it took.  He stole my heart! Despite his trials and battle with Muscular Dystrophy, this loving young man had a smile that would light up the room, had an infectious sense of humor and a contagious laugh!  I was honored to know him! Mikey, may you soar with the Angels!  Love, Strength, and Prayers to Sonny, Bev, and Matt!  I am a better person to know you and to have met Mikey and am honored to call your family our Friends!

Pearl Harbor Memorial Parade 71st Anniversary!
The fall was the busy Marching Band season and the last HS season for my son.  I was so blessed to travel with the band to Hawaii and watch this hard-working, fun, energetic, and fabulous group of youth perform at Pearl Harbor and represent our school, community, Utah and the sunken USS Utah in the Pearl Harbor Memorial Parade!

Shortly after our trip the sore throat that had been coming and going returned.  Just before Christmas the bone pain I have battled since I started taking my magic chemo-pill decided to kick it into high gear. I was in so much pain, that every part of my body felt like I was hit over and over by a steamroller!
By New Years, I begun to lose my voice, was waking up in the night choking, had difficulty swallowing at times, and by the 15th of January my Oncologist called to let me know my Labs were abnormal and my TSH had risen.  A week later, I watched in shock as and ultrasound showed a tumor inside my entire thyroid more than doubling it in size.  I was stunned as I looked at the screen to what appeared to biggest darn tumor I had ever seen, it had to be at least 40 lbs (I wish, then I wouldn't need to lose that weight!)

The next Monday, I underwent my first of two surgeries to remove my thyroid.  After surgery I awoke to hear, that they didn't think it was cancer.  I spent 2 days in the hospital and 10 days at home with more issues, complications, and difficulty than I expected.  Looking back it was some foreboding sign of what was to come. Unfortunately two weeks later, my Oncologist called to tell me it was Thyroid Cancer and I needed another Surgery...REALLY?  I felt like I was punched in the gut, knocking out all the wind from me!  I hung up the phone, told my husband, and sent him out the door to work.  I retreated to my room, uttered some curse words to my innocent pillow and began to sob.  HOW could I handle, let alone fight another Cancer.  Leukemia already takes a toll on my daily life!

HERE we go Again, Off to Surgery!
So 4 weeks after "Cruella" was removed, I underwent yet another surgery to have "Smurfette" removed.   Affectionately named, because my thyroid for some strange reason was blue.  I soon learned that the left side was cancer free as well as the lymph-nodes that were removed.  SIGH!  Again, healing was not a pleasant thing.  I encountered more issues, and two Doctors yelled at me for my stubbornness because I would not go to the hospital when I had more complications! 
Ive seen enough of hospitals!  Fortunately my FNP's are amazing and helped me through infections, freakishly abnormal labs, cankles, thrush, and whatever else symptom could seem to attack my already gone immune system!

After my RadioActive Ride!
8 Weeks post-op 1, and 4 weeks post op 2, I sat in yet another waiting room.  Fortunately my new treatment team of 2 fabulous nurses, a Natural-Path, Nutritionist and a cute new Oncologist will do everything they can to Cure me of this!

This week I've swallowed one Radioactive pill, had an uptake scan, and today take a ginormous super-hero sized Radioactive pill, sure to unleash my new amazing super-power and to destroy the bad "Cruella" who still things she can win... SO off to the BatCave for Isolation and soon to emerge from my cacoon a stronger, and cancer free "Defender of innocent and destroyer of Evil Cells!"

One pill down, One to GO!
I have more stories to tell, but time has until next time...see you at the same bat-time on the same-bat Channel!

I am also in the Middle of my Yearly toy Drive for "Lego's for Leukemia" to take to Children fighting Childhood Cancer and other life threatening diseases at Primary Children's Medical Center on April 26th. For more info search the Event on FB for "Legos for Leukemia 2013 Toy Drive" YOU can also donate at by searching "Legos for Leukemia, Utah" Under the wish list and it will ship directly to LfL UT! You can see the newscast filmed by KSL TV by clicking on the URL.

DIscussing SB 189 with Cody and Shelly and his Representative!

SPOILER ALERT: Wait until you hear about my Amazing "Batwoman Jen," ACS Cancer Action Network, Lobby Day, and my "Wonder-Twin" Cody, and SB189!